Welcome To

Name That Fish

Fishing has always been a beloved pastime for people who appreciate the serenity of the sea and the thrill of catching fish. Whether you’re a seasoned fisherman or just starting out, our fishing app is designed to enhance your fishing journey like never before. With this revolutionary application, you can identify various fish species effortlessly, making fishing more enjoyable and informative. Let’s dive into the details of our app and how it can benefit both seasoned fishermen and those new to the world of sea creatures.

About Us

Our Passion for Fishing Unites Us

Fishing is not just about catching it’s about understanding and appreciating marine life. Our app fosters interactive learning, making your fishing experience more enriching.

Our app was born out of the desire to make fishing accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their level of experience.

Let's Go Fishing.

Let's Go Fishing.

The App Now

The App Now

App Features




Fish Details

Rare Fishing

How Our App Helps Avoid Rare Fishing in the United States

One of the key advantages of our fishing app is its ability to help fishermen avoid rare fishing in the United States. Rare fishing refers to the accidental capture of endangered or protected fish species, which can have severe legal and ecological consequences.

By using our app to identify the fish you catch, you can quickly determine whether it belongs to a rare or protected species. If the app indicates that the fish is rare or protected, you can release it back into the water immediately, ensuring its conservation and avoiding any legal repercussions.

With our app’s vast database of fish species and accurate identification capabilities, you can fish responsibly and contribute to the preservation of marine biodiversity.

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